No: EZL01
This Lap Timing System is a fully operational lap counting system for all RC Model of all sizes.
The transponder is extremelysmalland will fit any RC cars. (No Transponders included)
Every transponder is encoded withauniqueID.
- For Indoor and Outdoor Tracks
- Unlimited cars
- Personal transponder with unique ID (Compatible with Robitronic)
- Small (only 12x12x6mm)and lightweight Transponder(1.2g)
- Software for all Windows System(RCM or Zround)
- Fully USB Support
- Receiver Modules with Power Led & Action Led Display
System Requirements:
- Windows 2000 , XP, Vista, Windows 7,Windows 8 or 8.1 (32/64-Bit System Support)
- One available USB 2.0 port
- Installing Drivers
- Build your own bridge by any material like PVC pipe or wood. Height recommendation from sensor to ground (16 inches/40.6cm)
Lap Timing System in Box:
- 1 x USB PC-Interface with data cable
- 1 x 4 Receiver Modules for track with max width (4 feet/1.2 meter)